SKScheMa v1.2.14

Friday, November 7, 2008

SKScheMa v1.2.14

Overview : SKSchema is a multi-functional scheduler enabling the automatic execution of various actions at a specified time as well as the capability to execute actions depending on other programs being launched/closed. The program can be used as an advanced alarm clock and also as a reminder.

Features: Run programs, play sound files at a specified time and interval.
Show a reminder at the time specified along with a signal (sound file/vibration). A reminder can be postponed.
Send an SMS at the time specified
Make a phone call at the time specified
Switch PDA on and off and makes a soft reset at the time specified
Close designated programs at a specified time
Clone an event (for example, beep every 25 min for 5 hrs)
Switche the phone on and off (PIN-code input is possible), BT and Wi-Fi on/off (device dependent)
Emulate a screen tap or a keyboard input
Supports scripts which are to be executed at the time specified as well as directly from Explorer or with a shortcut in Start Menu
Watch launched and closed programs (by window name) and perform different actions for these events

Update 1.2.14:
* new layout of "watch" window
* added auto snooze feature
* added dialog for select registry path
* added settings: "Safe mode", "Vibration LED index"

Requirements : Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 6 device

Please Post Your Suggestions.


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