SPB TV v1.1

Thursday, July 16, 2009

SPB TV v1.1

: Spb TV is a highly usable IP-TV solution, optimized to run on mobile devices. Spb TV provides users with lots of channels in multiple languages with easy-to-use features and settings. No subscription fee!

* More than 100, subscription free, TV channels:
- A wide selection of public TV channels
- Quick channel preview
- Integrated TV guide
- Quick channel selection
- Channels from more than 17 countries

* Full Screen TV Player with Picture-in-Picture Mode:
- Picture-in-picture mode
- Fast channels launch and switching
- Volume and backlight controls
- Onscreen and hardware buttons controls
- Network bandwidth fluctuations support

Version 1.1 (Jul 16, 2009):
* Channel switching speed improved
* Video acceleration support for new devices improved
* Automatic deactivating for out of serviced channels added
* Autoupdate ability added
* Issues with volume buttons on some devices is fixed
* Issues with backlight on some Palm and HTC devices fixed
* Issues with internet connections and different proxies fixed
* Other minor bugfixes

Requirements : WM5, WM6 or WM6.1


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